Granite Island is one of the most recognised ecological attractions in Victor Harbor.
Granite Island is around 62 acres and is one of the most recognised ecological attractions in Victor Harbor due to its unusual granite formations with crashing white waves, elevated views, flora and fauna, and walking trails that provide outstanding panoramic coastal views.
Victor Harbor Horse Drawn Tram
Ride the historic Victor Harbor Horse Drawn Tram across The Causeway to Granite Island. The Tramway commenced operation in 1894 and is one of two remaining in the world that operate a daily service.
Kaiki walking trail
This 2.9 kilometre walking trail takes you on a journey around Granite Island Recreation Park. Follow the link to find our more about the Kaiki Walking Trail, including map and key points of interest.
Dolphin and whale watching
Granite Island is situated in the Encounter Marine Park and full of marine life including dolphins, penguins, leafy sea dragons, seals and an abundance of marine life.
From May to October you may spot a Southern Right Whale or Humpback Whale while on their annual migration.
Big Duck Boat Tours offer daily tours departing from the Causeway, where can spot dolphins, seals and whales (during whale season).
Find out more on the Encounter Marine Park website, Big Duck Boat Tours, or visit the SA Whale Centre Facebook page for the latest whale sightings.
big duck boat tours
South Australia’s unique ocean adventure experience. Take our boat tour to see seals, dolphins and whales, as well as spectacular islands, cliffs and beaches. Bookings essential.
Find out more on the Big Duck Boat Tours page
Granite island
You can find out more about Granite Island Recreation Park on the National Parks website.
Additional Information
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